
How Long Does Shea Butter Take To Work

Shea butter is a rich moisturizer that has been used for centuries to treat peel atmospheric condition such every bit eczema, dryness, and psoriasis.

Shea butter can be plant in many supermarkets and health stores, only how long volition it last?

The shelf life of shea butter depends on how the product is stored. It also depends on how quickly you use up the jar or pot.

This post will discuss how to store your shea butter to get maximum shelf life out of information technology.

What is Shea Butter?

what is shea butter

Shea butter is a natural fatty extracted from the fruit of the African shea tree.

It is very healing and moisturizing for peel and hair, simply it can also make many other household products like soaps, lotions, candles, etc.

It grows in Westward Africa, where it's known as "women'south gold".

The trees grow wild on hilltops or at woods margins.

They're tapped by hand once every few years, after which they stop producing any new flowers or berries until another year has passed when they flower again (typically effectually December).

The fresh pulp from each berry is put into shallow vessels along with water that allows the fats to rising to the surface over about 24 hours before being skimmed off and then heated upwards with a little h2o to extract the last of the liquid.

The fat is then refined and cooled into blocks or flakes that can exist stored and shipped without melting as butter would do, which ways it doesn't need refrigeration.

"Women's gold" has several uses effectually the house: soap, skin care products such as moisturizers, massage oils, and lip balms; hair care items such equally conditioners for dry out scalp treatments; candles made from pure shea butter are said to have healing powers due to its amazing scent.

Shea butter comes in grades A-D, with grade D being the lowest quality considering information technology too contains other fats not establish in college grades.

It typically varies from xviii% – 24% "unsaponifiables," which measure out the total content of non-volatile matter other than fats, waxes, and sterols.

How to Make Shea Butter at Home?

how to make shea butter at home

Shea butter is a pop moisturizer because its rich, creamy texture penetrates deeply into pare and hair.

And if you make your shea butter at dwelling house? You can likewise customize the weight of the product to suit your needs.

The ingredients for a homemade shea butter recipe are:

  • ¾ loving cup of unrefined, raw shea butter (or the equivalent in another type or weight).
  • ½ cup of actress virgin olive oil.
  • "optional" essential oils to olfactory property it with. You can use up to 20 drops per ¼ teaspoon for this part.

The procedure is every bit follows:

  • Measure out your shea butter and olive oil into a metal bowl.
  • Microwave the ingredients for 45 seconds, stirring every 15 seconds to ensure even heating.
  • Add in essential oils and mix them thoroughly with a hand mixer or spoon until you have achieved an even consistency throughout the mixture. It is best to apply low heat when calculation in whatsoever fragrances because it will preserve their odour amend.
  • Pour it into containers of varying weights (½ ounce increments are recommended) by using either a scooper or measuring cups that come with lids on pinnacle of each container.
  • If you want to be artistic, this is also the time when you tin can add together labels to your containers.
  • Let them cool before storing them in the refrigerator or on your counter.

The benefits of this DIY project are that you get to customize the weight and smell of your production.

Plus, information technology'due south best to use depression rut when adding in any fragrances considering information technology will preserve their odor better.

How to Store Shea Butter?

how to store shea butter

Storing shea butter can sometimes exist tricky considering information technology is solid and doesn't go bad like other oils.

To store, proceed your jar of shea butter in a cool, dry place with an closed lid on it.

Keeping your shea butter in the refrigerator can crusade it to get hard and clumpy, so endeavour keeping it at room temperature.

Since in that location is no preservative like other oils have, you lot should apply up the product inside three months of opening for the best quality.

If you are unsure if your shea butter has gone bad or needs some time before using it once more, scent test it commencement as rancid scents ordinarily point that the shea butter has spoiled.

How Long Does Shea Butter Last? Does Shea Butter Go Bad?

how long does shea butter last

The shelf life of shea butter is dependent on several factors, such every bit quality and freshness.

The full general rule for storing unopened jars in cool, dry out, and dark places at dwelling house or away from heat sources will considerably prolong their freshness.

If stored correctly without opening it, Shea Butter tin concluding up to ii years earlier at that place's any noticeable deposition in its properties (quality).

If you've already opened your jar merely used only small amounts each week, so the stability may exist much shorter because bacteria take had more than time to abound within.

Again, this would depend on storage conditions, and so we recommend using all products within six months afterwards purchase regardless of how our vendors or nosotros initially packaged them.

There is a refined version of shea butter which is more stable and lasts upward to one year without noticeable changes in quality.

How to Tell if Shea Butter is Bad to Use?

how to tell if shea butter is bad to use

Shea butter's often compared to coconut oil because both have like properties and are expert fats – but different coconut oil, Shea butter does non require loftier oestrus before utilize.

If you are a beginner at using Shea butter, at that place is one thing that information technology's best non to do – heat the butter.

It does not need high temperatures before utilise, and doing so will modify its chemic composition.

This can lead to an unpleasant scent or texture, which may deter your natural beauty products in full general because this effect could happen with any other product containing shea butter if heated without prior alert.

Then how can we tell whether our Shea butter is bad? Here are some signs:

  • The color of the Shea becomes dark yellow/orangish instead of off-white.
  • An acid smell emerges fifty-fifty though when y'all get-go bought it, the smell was pleasant.
  • Y'all notice chunks within the cream like rice or lumps.
  • You notice that the butter is grainy and doesn't easily cook on skin contact.

In these cases, it's best to discard your Shea butter and purchase a new tub from a different source.

Information technology'due south not worth investing in something that could crusade you more harm than good, as this tin can pb to clogged pores or an allergic reaction like hives.

Y'all don't desire whatever of those things happening.

How to Fix Rancid Shea Butter?

how to fix rancid shea butter

Information technology's not uncommon for shea butter to get bad.

It can happen when the fats in the product break down and create an unpleasant odor, among other things.

We'll evidence you how to fix rancid shea butter using a simple technique that volition leave your pare feeling silky shine one time again.

If yous want to prepare a rancid shea butter, add some fresh or unscented white lotion into information technology.

This volition help mask the smell and restore its natural consistency.

Here'southward how:

  • Add about two tablespoons of lotion to your container of shea butter (or pinch off a modest chunk from the acme).
  • Add more if needed until desired texture is reached.
  • Permit sit down for upwardly to 24 hours before use.
  • Retrieve that calculation besides much lotion may make your product plow watery, so be careful.
  • Re-label jar with whatever added ingredients such as essential oils to keep things make clean and organized.


Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that can exist used on the skin to forbid dryness.

It'due south likewise pop in pilus care products, like deep conditioners and exit-in creams.

Shea butter lasts for nearly two years before information technology expires; this time frame will depend on how often y'all use your shea butter product, though.

Hence, you should keep an eye on the expiration engagement of your shea butter product, especially if y'all use information technology oftentimes.

Prep Time fifteen minutes

Cook Time 15 minutes

Total Fourth dimension 30 minutes


  • Shea butter
  • Air-tight containers or Ziplock numberless
  • Labels and markers


  1. Read the guide thoroughly to learn how long it lasts.
  2. Characterization your container with the content and engagement and go along track of how much yous're using!
  3. Brand sure to shop in an airtight container in a cool, night identify (pantry or refrigerator).
  4. If frozen, thaw in the refrigerator before use. Always check for signs of spoilage before using.


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